Thursday theme.
Okay, so I'm starting a new topic, the Thursday Theme.
Each Thursday I'm going to take on of the emails or comments from my subscribers and write about a topic that they want to hear.
But there have to be some rules and guidelines:
Nothing inappropriate. I will definitely not be writing about anything rude, racist or unsuitable for people of all ages.
No repeats. If I have already done a topic please do not suggest I do it again unless you would be willing to offer ways to make it better or to collaborate on a post.
Make sure the topic is interesting and engaging. Even if you’re the only person who thinks that it is intriguing, I will write about it, but if you just randomly pick a boring topic out of spite I will not be writing about it.
Take it seriously. If there is anything you are unsure about or you want to know more about, tell me and I will make it happen.
Make it fun too!!! It doesn’t all have to be serious and world-changing. I can let loose too!!! Have variety in the topics and cover every category.
As long as it follows these regulations, no matter the topic, I'm going to write about it!!!
I hope you like this idea, email me at
Always xxo