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Updated: Nov 6, 2018



Perfection is what we all strive for.

It is what we fight for.

But it’s not real.

Perfection is impossible.

It’s unfeasible, unattainable, achievable.

It’s unrealistic.

Striving for perfection in all we do is a way to become the best person we can be.

But being perfect is impossible.

Lots of people live life thinking that being ‘perfect’ is a major and crucial accomplishment.

I say screw it.

Why waste your life trying to be something that doesn’t even exist???

Perfection is impossible.

Faultless is faulted.

Perfection is a state of mind.

I have may have pimples and crooked teeth, but I'm perfect. To me.

And being perfect to yourself is all that matters.

That’s my perfection.


Always xxo

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