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Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

This quote means to live life to the fullest, savoring every single moment. Don’t worry or stress because something good is gone, remember all of the great things that happened when you had it. Remember the feelings it gave you, the happiness, love, laughter.

Remember the good.

Some things, like a relationship or friendship ending, can be really tough. Nevertheless, we will always move on, accept and continue. One relationship may have perished but there will always be the memories you had together, the love you shared. There will always be kindness, care and joy that you can treasure forever.

Another thing that is heartbreaking and tragic is when a person passes away. Weather it is a family member or friend, a death is never forgotten, a person is never forgotten. Yes, you cry when someone dies, that their life is over, but you also remember all of the memories you shared together. We will smile because, even only for a brief moment, you were a part of someone’s life and they were a part of yours. You can cry in their absence or celebrate their existence.

Now, some people (myself included) tend to get upset when a book series or TV show ends. Yes, it can be terrible, you have spent all of this time dedicated to the book or show and you develop a connection with the characters, but everything will end. How you deal with it, that’s up to you. (!!!Don’t worry you can always re-watch or reread!!!)

This quote means to remember the good and don’t focus on the bad.

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

Always xxo

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